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    The Main Sponsors will benefit from the following privileges:
  • -     The logo of the company together with “Main Sponsor” notification to be displayed on congress website and printed on congress programme and presentation abstracts booklet,
  • -     15 m2 stand area,
  • -     3 standard rooms for 4 nights at congress hotel and 3 congress registrations,
  • -     Opportunity for a company representative to give a speech at related session of the congress,
  • -     Verbal acknowledgement as “Main Sponsor” during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies,
  • -     A full page colored advertisement in presentation abstracts booklet with a privilege of main sponsorship.

SPONSORS (15000 €)
    The Sponsors will benefit from the following privileges:
  • -     The logo of the company together with “Sponsor” notification to be displayed on congress website and printed on congress programme and presentation abstracts booklet,
  • -     10 m2 stand area,
  • -     2 standard rooms for 4 nights at congress hotel and 2 congress registrations,
  • -     Verbal acknowledgement as “Sponsor” during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies,
  • -     A full page colored advertisement in presentation abstracts booklet with a privilege of sponsorship, after the main sponsors.

    The Supporting Companies will benefit from the following privileges:
  • -     The logo of the company together with “Supporting Company” notification to be displayed on congress website and printed on congress programme and presentation abstracts booklet,
  • -     5 m2 stand area,
  • -     1 standard room for 4 nights at congress hotel and 1 congress registrations,
  • -     Verbal acknowledgement as “Supporting Company” during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies,
  • -     A full page colored advertisement in congress presentation abstracts booklet with a privilege of supporting organization, after the main sponsors and sponsors.


In case of presence of more than one Main Sponsor/Sponsor/Supporting Company, the company names will be printed in alphabetical order.
Main Sponsors, Sponsors and Supporting Companies can use their logos or similar advertisements, with respect to application order, during only one of the following events: opening cocktail, gala dinner, lunches and coffee breaks.
All companies can place only one unit of advertisement materials such as pen, notebook, company leaflet, etc. in congress bags.

In addition, the following costs shall apply;

Advertisement in Congress Booklet   Stand Area  
Outside back cover (colored) 1000 € 15 m2 4000 €
Inside front cover (colored) 750 € 10 m2 3000 €
Inside back cover (colored) 750 € 5 m2 2000 €
Insertions (colored) * 500 €    
*: In alphabetical order after Main Sponsors, Sponsors and Supporting Companies.