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Privacy policy

This is the website of 1st International Congress on Food Technology. Association of Food Technology-Turkey recognizes that it is important for you how your information is used and shared. We would like to thank you for your confidence in us that such information shall be used and shared in a careful and prudent manner. This statement contains clarifications as to our privacy policy. In visiting website, you are deemed to accept the practices specified hereunder and that you shall abide by them.

User Provided Information : The registration and accommodation form contained on our website requires you to provide your contact information (e.g. your name, e-mail address, telephone numbers and mail address). It further requires provision of financial information (e.g. credit card numbers). We utilize such personal information for providing our services, transacting your payments, contacting you for marketing purposes related to our services, and updating your information.

Contact Information : Your contact information is used for contacting you regarding transactions that you perform on our website. Association of Food Technology-Turkey may time to time contact you using your contact information to inform you about new events about the Congress.
Financial Data : Collected financial data is utilized for confirming your eligibility and for billing purposes related to services you purchase. We shall never disclose your financial information to third parties absent your previous authorization therefore. When you make a purchase on our website, you consent to disclosure of your financial data to third parties that are required to complete the transaction (banks, credit card companies, etc.). Shared information shall include all necessary financial data, including but not limited to credit card number, validity date, and CVV2.
Other Websites, Third Parties and their Privacy Policies : The Congress web site may contain links to other websites. Association of Food Technology-Turkey shall not be responsible for such websites' privacy practices or contents or third party privacy policies.

Our Privacy Measures : The Congress website has security measures for preventing misplacement, abuse or modification of the data under our control. Our secure server software (SSL) is up to industry standards and is among the best software available for secure commercial transactions. This software encrypts your personal information, including your credit card number, name and address, and prevents unauthorized access to such data during transmissionover the Internet. We employ physical, electronic and procedural security measures for collection, storage and disclosure of identifiable client data. Our security procedures mean that we may at times require from you to prove your identity before disclosing personal information. Protection of your PIN and computer from unauthorized access is important to you. After using a shared terminal, be sure to log off from the system. No Association of Food Technology-Turkey employee must ask from you to disclose your PIN for any reason whatsoever. You must protect your PIN to ensure security of your personal information.
Notifications and Revisions : Association of Food Technology-Turkey may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of substantial changes to this Policy by posting a prominent announcement on our site and/or sending a message to the e-mail address you have provided us. Unless stated otherwise, our current privacy policy shall apply to you and to all data that we have in our database regarding your account. We always stand by our promises. This Privacy Policy states our standards for the maintenance of Data and we will make every effort to meet them. However, we are not in a position to guarantee these standards. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of data. As a consequence, we disclaim any warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of Data.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the Congress website practices or your transactions on our website, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] so that we can do our utmost to resolve your current problem.