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The Association of Foot Technology

The Association of Food Technology-Turkey was founded on July 08, 1973. The names of the founder members of the Association is given below:

Prof. Arif V. AKMAN Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Turgut YAZICIOĞLU Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. M. Hilmi PAMİR Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. İsmet TÜRKER; Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Ömer L. GÜRSES; Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. R. Kemal GÖKÇE Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Zühtü YÖNEY Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Tunay DURGUN Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa METİN Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Işıl FİDAN Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Muazzez ERALP Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Nesrin KAPTAN Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Mustafa ÜÇÜNCÜ Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture
Mehmet AYDIN Ministry of Agriculture General Officer of Food Affairs
M. Sc. Lütfü ÇAKMAKÇI Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture

The Association of Food Technology-Turkey is managed according to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. The mission of the Association is to offer its members, as well as non-member scientists, researchers, and other food professionals, the opportunity to share knowledge only in the various fields of food science and technology, by both publishing the Journal of Food Science and holding congresses.

20th Period Directorate and Control Commissions were elected in General Board Meeting on May 30, 2008. According to this:

Directorate Commission:
President; Prof. Kadir HALKMAN
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department
Vice-president; Prof. Celalettin KOÇAK
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Dairy Technology Department
Secretary; Research Assistant İlker AKOĞLU
Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Food Engineering Department
Accounting Officer; Prof. Aziz TEKİN
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department
Publication Director; Assist. Prof. İbrahim ÇAKIR
Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Food Engineering Department
Training and Publicity Director; Prof. Atila YETİŞEMEYEN
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Dairy Technology Department
Member; Research Assistant Gökçe Polat YEMİŞ
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department
Control Commission:
Prof. Filiz ÖZÇELİK
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department
Prof. A. Hamdi ERTAŞ
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department
Prof. Ali BAYRAK
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering Food Engineering Department

Additionally, Assist. Prof. Birce MERCANOĞLU TABAN has been assigned to Foreign Relation Executer of the Association.

The Association has started publishing the Journal of Food Science in 1976. The publication life of this journal has been continuing with 6 issues in every year.

The Journal of Food Science is the first journal in the field of food science and technology in Turkey. Nowadays although there are various journals relating to food, the Journal of Food Science has still been the only entirely academic qualified journal.

The Journal of Food has been scanning by the database of CAB Abstracts since 1993, the database of ULAKBİM Agriculture, Veterinary and Biology Sciences since 1997, and the database of Index Copernicus since 2007.

In this stage, the studies of bringing our national refereeed journal within the journal to be taken in the scope of SCI, has been carried on. These studies has planned to be completed in the first half of the year 2009.

The Association held 1st national food congress in Ankara in 1978 and 10th national food congress in Erzurum in 2008. These congresses, which were Turkey's most well-attended congresses, ingathered all scientists who were, directly or indirectly, relevant to food.

The preparation of the English version of web page of the Association has started. The abstracts (in Turkish) of all 1679 articles that have been published in 33 years, are present at the web page of the Association.

Although there have been, disorderly, the titles and the abstracts (in English) in the earlier years, the inclusion of the titles and the abstracts (in English) has stipulated expressly since 1993. In this connection, the same year, the Journal of Food Science has been included in the scope of the journals which have been searched in the database of CAB Abstracts. According to this, there have been the titles and the abstracts (in English) of 914 articles, published in 1993-2008. This application will continue for the year 2009 and for the following years.

The summaries of all 392 oral and poster presentations of the 7th, 8th, and the 9th national food congresses were also set on the web page. The summaries of 360 oral and poster presentations have been setting on the web page.

Not only the summaries of the articles and the oral and poster presentations of the national food congresses of the Association, but also the summaries of other articles and the oral and poster presentations of the other congresses, regarding food have also been present on our web page. The number of these files are about 1100 but the most of them are only in Turkish.

We present our thanks to everybody who has, directly or indirectly, contributed in helping us reach to this stage.

Kind Regards,
The Association of Food Technology