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Catching the Innovations in Food Science and Technology in Evolving World

This page repaired. Oral presentations are accessible by "Scientific programme" address.


We completed 1st International Congress on Food Technology. From 41 countries totally 482 participants attended to congress.

I believe all we together "Caught the Innovations in Food Science and Technology in the Evolving World" as it was theme of the congress.

We did our best.

We received many thankful letters. At this moment, we want to share all acknowledges with congress participants.

We shared our scientific knowledge in all congress area as Atlantis 1 and Atlantis 2 halls during oral presentations and in poster area. Additionally; stand area, pool, beach and bar were also knowledge sharing areas.

Our colloquies made some discussions for future projects.

Moreover, we shared same dancing area during gala dinner with our colleagues from 41 different countries.

Due to success of this congress and as a scale up, now it is time to planning organize some activities with IUFoST.

Keep in touch please via [email protected]

We will share all abstracts of oral and poster presentations in our main web page;

And, we want to print full texts of the oral and poster presentations in GIDA; The Journal of FOOD, Turkey; ISSN 1300-3070; reachable by

Please share all the photographs taken on this activity via [email protected]

Please click here for a preliminary slide show of congress.

Best regards,

Prof. Kadir HALKMAN
Congress Chair